
Thanks for visiting the website of the Gold Coast House of Prayer.

The House of Prayer is a prayer, worship, research and networking centre dedicated to lifting up the name of Jesus on the GC and changing the spiritual climate of this city.

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The Gold Coast House of Prayer:
  1. Hosts regular combined prayer and worship events both at the Prayer House and at other locations across the city.
  2. Networks with other ministries and takes part in initiatives, encouraging unity amongst churches and intercession for the advance of the Kingdom on the Gold Coast.

3. Trains and equips prayer people for their role in local churches.

4. The House has an extensive resource center, with 3,500 books and hundreds of DVDs and CD teaching sets available for loan.

5. Offers prayer rooms for booking used for either private prayers or prayer groups

"Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map, So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence..."
Psalm 43:3